Taiwan Will Enforce Smart City Network with Czech

Czech Senate President Milos Vystrcil led a 89-member delegation to Taiwan and attended the "2020 Taiwan-Czech Republic Economic, Trade, and Investment Forum" on August 31st. MOEA Minister Wang, Mei-Hua stated that the three MoUs signed with Czech in the three areas of Smart City & AIoT, innovative entrepreneurship, and smart…

【Taiwan & Philippine Webinar】Welcome to Join !!

【Taiwan & Philippine Webinar】 《 About this Event 》 Since the beginning of the time, natural disasters & crises has been the main component pushing our society and various industries forward together as a whole. In the 21st century, we are in the era of another industrial revolution, as technologies…

Smart City Summit & Expo Converted as a Hybrid Event in Virtual & Physical

[Taipei] While the coronavirus pandemic is still taking an increasing toll all over the world, in order to keep up the sharing of smart cities’ experience globally, Taipei Computer Association (TCA) has converted 2020 Smart City Summit and Expo (SCSE) into an online O2O event after 3 months of preparation.…

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